Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Coffee Can Boost Your Memory

Good news for yhou coffee drinkers! A new study has revealed that caffeine is good for something after all. It may help modulate short-term working memory.

There is good news for all coffee addicts who are concerned about the ill effects that it may have, as now a study has revealed that your favourite brew may after all have some good, for caffeine modulates short-term working memory.

“We were able to show that caffeine modulates a higher brain function through its effects on distinct areas of the brain,” the paper's lead author, Florian Koppelstdtter, M.D., Ph.D., radiology fellow at Medical University Innsbruck in Austria, was quoted as saying.

Dr. Koppelstdtter and colleagues used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to determine the effects of caffeine consumption on brain activation in a network of modules sub serving short-term memory of 15 healthy adult volunteers during a working memory task. Read the full article.

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