Saturday, April 08, 2006


Coffee effect on blood pressure

My son decided to use coffee as the basis of his fourth grade science project. I am very proud of him because on his own he decided to study the effect of coffee on blood pressure. I have no idea how he came up with such an interesting study. I am not the kind of parent that will do the project so he can get a good grade and impress his friends. I did help him detail the process on how we gather the data.

So my son, with clip board in hand, took my wife, mother-in-law and I down to our local Wal-Mart store to user their blood pressure measuring machine. We did not drink any coffee before hand so we could get a before coffee and after reading. So we took with us coffee tumblers filled with Blue Mountain Coffee. I thought we could splurge a bit that day.

We tested our blood pressure then walked around the store for 30 minutes drinking our coffee. Then we went back and tested our blood pressure again. We did this on three different days to get good sample data.

The finding surprised me. My son's hypothesis was "Does coffee affect a human's blood pressure" and the science project disproved it. The results did not show an increase overall and for me the reading actually went down.

Since he just turned it in yesterday we will not know his grade for a while but as a proud dad this was an A+ project. I posted the entire Coffee Effect on Blood Pressure Science Project
on the Volcanica Coffee website.

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