Saturday, June 09, 2007


Caffeine as a cellulite remedy

Milan – A new study claims that a skin cream laced with caffeine could, at last, be the miracle cure for cellulite. Doctors at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil tested 130 women with cellulite on their hips and thighs.

The women rubbed the cream on to one thigh and hip twice daily for 30 days. The other thigh and hip were left untreated to measure the difference. Eight out of ten had tighter skin and lost up to two centimetres off their thighs, one of the main areas on the body for cellulite.

Two out of three volunteers also lost weight off their hips as the fat under the skin that causes the complaint dissolved. The research also backs supermodel Cindy Crawford who claims to keep her cellulite at bay by using a “miracle mixture” of ground coffee.

Caffeine has been used in creams for many years but there has been little evidence the support its use. The theory is that it is absorbed into the skin, where it speeds up the rate at which the body disposes of fat. Some companies have even started selling so-called coffee tights, at around £9 a pair, to get rid of unwanted fat and cellulite.

The latest study, published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, suggests a cream containing just seven per cent caffeine can have a significant effect. Cellulite affects up to 90 per cent of women at some point in their lives.

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