Saturday, August 09, 2008


Time to Update all of the Available Gourmet Coffee Pages

Periodically (I think the last time was 2 years ago...sorry) we let our readers know all of the pages on the Volcanica Gourmet Coffee website. This will be be a few different blog entries.

Coffee Articles

Information and articles related to the origins of Volcanica gourmet coffee beans and the coffee industry.

Shade Grown Coffee - The Volcanic coffees from Costa Rica and Kona are all shade grown coffees and have been verified that they comply with this designation. We personally inspect our farms to verify they are incompliance.

Specialty Coffee - Specialty Gourmet Coffee - There are two major types of coffee beans species but for coffee connoisseurs only the Arabica beans qualify as Specialty coffee. Arabica beans are the only ones to be drunk on there own, unblended.

Gourmet Coffees - As a rule the Arabica coffee beans provide the majority of gourmet coffees. The Robusta beans are valued for their high yields and resistance to disease and are widely used in commercial blends.

Best Gourmet Coffee - The best gourmet coffee is from single-source Arabica beans that originate from the slopes of volcanic mountains. The rich volcanic soil combined with the high altitude and abundant moisture from the clouds produce a remarkable coffee that cannot be matched by any other variety.

Coffee History - Exactly where and when coffee was first discovered and cultivated is not known, but some authorities believe that it was grown initially in Arabia near the Red Sea about 675 AD.

Gourmet Coffee Beans Blog - Posting of articles and comments regarding brewing tips, recipes, trivia all about the world of gourmet coffee.

Gourmet Coffees Blog - Another Blog but with news and more information on the coffee industry.

Gourmet Coffee Blog - An older Blog with posting of articles and comments regarding specialty and gourmet coffee.

Roasted Coffee Beans - Roasting coffee beans is considered an art, as the roaster needs to determine when the process has brought the beans to their peak of flavor.

Costa Rica Gourmet Coffee - Costa Rica coffee is full-bodied coffee with a deep, pungent flavor, excellent acidity, and a hint of smokiness. Beans grown in Costa Rica are the result of a unique combination of climate, elevation and soil. Just right - you can taste the special care that goes into every cup.

Fair Trade Coffee - At Volcanica Coffee we believe in Fair Trade Coffee which means paying our coffee suppliers a fair wage. This is not your typical company buying the good grade and cheap grade coffee on world markets then blending them together and calling it gourmet coffee.

Tarrazu Coffee - Located at the more remote lands up the Pirris River basin in the Tarrazú Highlands, this Tarrazú county Estate represents the Costa Rican Tarrazú coffee character, where the coffee is clearly farmed for quality and not quantity, and the altitude is clearly in the cup.

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee - Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee is one of the most sought after coffees in the world. This "Rolls-Royce of coffee" has been satisfying coffee connoisseurs around the globe for more than two centuries and is famous for its exquisite flavor.

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee - This extraordinary coffee is grown in the majestic Blue Mountain range in Jamaica reaching approximately 7,402 feet at the highest peak, thus making it is one of the highest grown coffees in the world.

Types of Gourmet Coffee Bean - For the coffee drinker there are two major types of coffee beans. The Caffea arabicais the Arabica bean which is the quality coffee of the world. Arabica coffee is the only coffee that is to be drunk and enjoyed without being blended with other types of beans.

Remove a Coffee Stain - Coffee Stain Removal Tips - How to remove a coffee stain is not as difficult as it may seem. The problem with coffee stain removals is that most people will wait until the item goes through the laundry several days later.

Iced Coffee Recipe - A Cool Way to Enjoy Coffee during the Hot Months. Iced coffee is an excellent summer refresher but it has not received the attention as its cousin Iced Tea primarily because of careless preparation.

Caffeine Content - Drug makers have to label the amount of caffeine content in their offerings, but food and beverage companies don't. This list of familiar products shows how fast your dose can add up.

Coffee and Exercise - Many of us start their work out in the early morning so there have been questions as to whether it is okay have a cup before your work out.

Healthy Coffee - Health Benefits of Coffee - Several studies have linked coffee with reduced risks of Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis.

Coffee Effect on Blood Pressure - A fourth grade science project with the hypothesis "I think that a person's blood pressure will increase after they drink coffee.

Coffee Health Benefit - Coffee can Easily be Part of a Healthy Lifestyle - Have you noticed that medical opinion about coffee is changing? Many doctors who once warned against coffee are having to reverse their opinion in the face of new research. In fact, there are many studies now that tout the health benefits of coffee drinking rather than the health risks associated with the caffeine in it.

History of Coffee Beans - Coffee had been declining in popularity for a number of years. Chalk it up to inferior grades of coffee beans that proliferated from the 1950s on or to social revolution. The young people of the sixties hadn't embraced coffee drinking the way previous generations had. Rather than gather in diners for coffee, young people cruised the local hangout with paper cups of crushed ice and cola.

How to Make Good Coffee with Better Water- In many parts of the United States, water may have been potable, meaning it was disease-free and safe to drink, but that didn't mean it tasted good. That bad taste in a glass of water translated into an off taste in anything cooked, with water added, and beverages like coffee brewed with water.

Low Acid Coffee - Some consumers are on acid diets from their doctors or are looking for coffee that will not upset their sensitive stomachs or teeth. But coffee is actually very low on the acidic scale and there are many other types of drinks to avoid before looking for low acid coffee.

Coffee Social Gatherings - Some consumers are on acid diets from their doctors or are looking for coffee that will not upset their sensitive stomachs or teeth. But coffee is actually very low on the acidic scale and there are many other types of drinks to avoid before looking for low acid coffee.

Costa Rica Coffee Plantations - The infrastructure needed to export coffee to Europe lead to the creation of the large coffee plantations controlled by a few wealthy land owners.

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